We are still accepting proposals for clinics and presentation. If you are interested, please contact Jerry Krueger by email at: [email protected]
If you registered for the convention prior to 2/6/2024, you will receive an email on how to register for Modeling with the Masters. Otherwise you can can do so at the time of registering for the convention.
extra fare clinics
Fred Soward MMR ● Sam Swanson MMR ● Bob Weinheimer MMR ● Steve Zapytowski MMR
This hands-on clinic is focused on developing skills in painting and weathering models using a three-step process, including base-color painting, staining for shadows, and drybrushing for highlights. Each of these steps will be undertaken using common brushes and craft-style acrylic paints. Attendees should bring their small structures (built or unbuilt), details or figures, or rolling stock (preferably with wood sheathing, such as a boxcar or stock car) to be painted. Three models maximum are recommended. Each model or components to be painted should be primed with a flat overcoat (paint or Dullcote), particularly if the model is plastic, to facilitate adherence of the craft acrylics. Brushes and paints will be provided, but attendees can bring their own, should guidance on various brush and paints be desired. Practice models will also be available, should attendees want to try various techniques prior to working on their own models. The cost of the clinic is $20, which includes all work-station materials. We’ll meet over a 3-hour period to thoroughly cover basic techniques and as time allows, any advanced techniques attendees are interested in can be worked on as well. Limited to 12 participants
Steve Zapytowski MMR● Fred Soward MMR
This is a three-hour hands-on clinic dealing with PanPastels for the weathering of all types of models. Participants need to bring no more than of three of their own models, structures, rolling stock, figures, etc., for weathering during the clinic. Models do not need to be fully assembled as parts may be weathered separately before final assembly. Some sample pieces will be provided by the instructors. Instruction on a variety of tools will be available including sponges, blending stumps, eye shadow applicators, color shapers, make-up brushes, and kneaded erasers. Participants must purchase PanPastels set 30102, approximately $50 from Amazon. The convention fee for the clinic is $10.00 per participant. Limited to 12 participants.
Master List Of Clinics and Presentations
(updated 4/14/2024)
Bram Bailey
This clinic describes the initial production of the General Motors FT unit and the evolution of that product line all the way to the F9. We take a side trip to understand why the FP7/FP9 series were developed and how they differ from the standard models. The differences between American (EMD) and Canadian (GMD) produced models will be reviewed. Part of this clinic is a tutorial on how the various sub-systems of these units interact and the changes made over the production cycles. We will also discuss General Motors’ innovative marketing strategies to ween the railroads off of Steam in favor of Diesel power. This clinic does not include the specialized dual power FL9…which could be a stand alone clinic by itself.
Bram Bailey
The Ontario Central Railway is an HO proto-freelanced Provincially Chartered Railway operating in Northern Ontario, Canada in 1968. The layout is 52’ x 32’ and is 70% double decked. Motive power is predominantly Alco/MLW. The main focus of the layout is to replicate prototypical operation. The clinic will cover the following topics:
>Influences in creating the Ontario Central
>Layout Design
>Layout Construction
> Motive Power
>Rolling Stock
>Train descriptions
Brian Barnt
This presentation gives a brief history of NMRA Standards and Gauges, then discusses each of the critical dimensions for Interchange. Each dimension for track and wheels are covered and how to measure each one with an NMRA Gauge. Brian has Life Member of the NMRA since 1986 and a member of Technical Department at the national level since 1993. Brian served as the DCC Working Group chairman from 1995 to 2003. He has been Electrical Department chair since 2006. He has been involved in the design of the tooling for metal gauges since 2004, and invented the modern clearance gauge adapters. He also currently serves as the NMRA LCC/OpenLCB liaison.
Kenton Colvin
This clinic covers the design and operational concepts for a 10 ft x 17 ft completed HO model railroad. This railroad offers a 5-track hidden staging area of the PRR. The PRR interchanges with the RVRR at Covetown. The RVRR then services 5 additional towns with a total of 23 industries. This switching layout offers 12 daily trains (8 freight and 4 passenger). There are 6 Rehoboth Valley Railroad and 6 PRR trains operating using car cards.
Kenton Colvin
Railroads had a tremendous impact on both the start and especially the end of WW I. Learn about Germany’s Schlieffen Plan to begin the war and how the railroad caused Germany to stop the war. This clinic discusses the state of the railroad industry at the start of the war and use of the railroads to Railroad’s War Board, United States Railroad Administration (USRA), Railway Administration Act and much more. Railroad and 6 PRR trains operating using car cards.
Keith DeVault
This clinic will showcase the Chessie System in and around West Virginia, Western Pennsylvania and Maryland starting in 1973. It will show the historic places like Grafton, WV, Sand Patch and Connellsville in Pa, along with Cumberland and Oakland Md along with other locations.
Joe Filipiak
A seasoned art instructor-layout owner. Joe will view the many aspects of a model railroad layout and how to add to, refine some, or even delete something to enhance the realistic look of you layout. A safe way to have active “smoke” coming out of your industrial smoke stacks will also be shown.
Jim Hill
Overview of the locomotives that the W&LE has used over it’s history. Jim Hill is Vice President – Transportation for the W&LE and has been an employee since its inception.
Jerry Jordak
his clinic provides an high-level overview of the rail routes and operations in the Cleveland area over the past 50-60 years. The lines of each railroad serving the Cleveland area will be reviewed, followed by a look at the changes brought on by mergers and abandonments up to the present day.
David Keith
HAVOC is here at the convention to provide so you can play in a TT&TO playground. If you have fears about even playing on HAVOC, this clinic will ease your trepidation. The clinic is not specific to HAVOC but a general education. It will introduce you to the fundamentals of TT&TO and step through the running of an extra train. Learn what trains are simplest to run and what trains are most challenging. On HAVOC you can run trains of all sorts and even be a station operator or train to be a dispatcher. With HAOVAC on site, you can immediately apply what you learned in the clinic.
Jerry Krueger
On Thursday evening, May 16, we will have an open projector night for attendees to share some of their past adventures railfanning and researching for the modeling and layouts. We will have both a laptop and projector available for those that have digital photos to present and an old school slide projector. If someone has old 8mm film, a projector can be provided (please contact the clinic chair in advance if needed). The slide projector is a stack projector, not a carousel projector. Please try to limit your grouping to 30-40 slides to give everyone a chance to present. Multiple groupings can be presented if time permits. Go through your photos and pick a theme. Everyone is welcome.
Ron Morgan
The clinic describes the structures that make up an ethanol plant, the process involved in creating ethanol, what happens to the by-product, space required for structures, and the railroad equipment that is used to manufacture ethanol. The clinic reviews the Walthers’ Ethanol Plant series to model a manufacturing facility.
Dave Neff
Board of Director’s / General Membership Meeting
Fred Soward
How to keep Division members enaged and active in the organization
Fred Soward
An overview of the prototype, from 1880 to the present, and how we are modeling it in our basement.
Adam Woodie
Are you tired of the Plywood Pacific Railroad? Perhaps adding scenery to your model railroad has always landed on the “I’ll get around to it… someday” list. However, you never get around to it. If this sounds like you, then it is time you attend “Scenery – The Art of Illusion.” This clinic will consists of a live demonstration of some basic scenery techniques. Topics such as terrain formation, use of plaster cloth, rock face installation, rock coloring, terrain undercoat coloring, installation of basic ground cover, and static grass. Come and watch the magic!
Adam Woodie
This seminar will be a continuation of “Scenery – The Art of Illusion Part One” with the majority of time dedicated to the intallation static grass. Come and watch the magic!
Steve Zapytowski
This clinic is a training session primarily for those people who will administer the contest, but it is open to all interested parties. The management of the contest, its administration, and the contest procedures. This clinic is required to those convention attendees who will run the contest.
Steve Zapytowski
This clinic explores the process and philosophy behind the judging of models for the Mid-Central Region Model Contest. It examines each of the five required areas of evaluation; Construction, Detail, Conformity, Finish and Lettering, and Scratch Building. The judging matrix is described and the manner of awarding points is discussed. Also offered is a strategy for efficient judging. This clinic is different than the one offered in previous years and is strongly recommended for past judges as well as those who wish to judge for the first time.
Don Oleska
No commercially made model kit for a structure you would like to have on your model railroad? Don’t want to pay hundreds of dollars for multiple pieces of rolling stock? Or need some kind of part that is no longer made? Well, welcome to the world of 3D printing. In this course you will learn all stages of 3D printing, from its history, different printer technology, project workflow & how to use the two popular printer technologies.
Mike Rudder
You have heard about these things called “Arduinos”, but you’re afraid to jump into the pool. In this clinic you will learn what an Arduino is, how to program one, and what they can be used for in model railroading. This will be a step-by-step guide aimed at beginners. Having some programming knowledge is a plus.
Jim Dembiec
A Day/Night In The Life Of A Railroad Flagman.
Frank Bongiovanni
If that locomotive you just bought, or had for years in a drawer, doesn’t run, this clinic is for you. Frank has been repairing locomotives for himself and for others for over 50 years, and has thrown very few against the basement wall. Emphasis is on brass, and brass steam, but this clinic is very open ended. Audience participation is encouraged, especially with individual experiences. This clinic is scheduled as last clinic of the evening, as it almost always runs overtime, especially if there is good participation and/or if some of Frank’s friends who also do repairs drop in.
Frank Bongiovanni
Disposing of our collections of Model Railroad “stuff”, including tools, books, magazines, the layout itself, is somewhat more complicated than it might seem. Many of our heirs have learned this lesson to their dismay. Some thoughtful planning and communication ahead of time can greatly reduce their burden, and may reduce the possibility of one of your “good friends” taking major advantage of them. Frank is a retired attorney and has given this clinic for several groups over the years; sadly, it has become his most requested lately. If your spouses or significant others are attending the convention, experience has shown that it’s well worth while encouraging them to come to this clinic.
Mike Bradley
How to kitbash era correct HO MoW trucks. Clinic includes display of finished models featured in the presentation and information what parts are needed and where to source them.
Jim DiPaols
Description pending
Jim Dipaols
Description pending
Bob Frankrone
Have you ever wanted to travel back in time? The Cumbres and Toltec Scenic Railroad is a living time machine that will transport you to a place and time when steam ruled the rails. Travel with Bob as he takes both an archival and present day journey on the Cumbres and Toltec RR.
Bob Frankrone
In 1869, a golden spike was driven at Promontory Point, Utah, signifying the completion of the transcontinental railroad. Through the use of archival photographs, Bob steps back in time to look at that momentous event in railroad history. Fast forward 150 years and see what the site looks like today and how the National Park Service is keeping that piece of railroad history alive for all to experience. (45 minutes)
Bob Frankrone
An updated version of Bob’s popular open loads presentation. This clinic features a variety of open load models that can be built from commercially available kits or easily scratch built from basic materials. Beginners and master modelers alike will enjoy learning how to create interesting and realistic open car loads. With plenty of photos from both the prototype and HO scale models, Bob’s clinic is always a crowd pleaser. Bob is the author of the “Love Those Loads” series featured bi-monthly in the NMRA Magazine.
Paul Hobbs
Beltlines and Terminal Railroads are a particular form of railway, usually urban, serving a location for the mutual benefit of owning railroads. Sometimes they are owned by a municipality. We will discuss examples, large and small, and suggest modeling possibilities.
Paul Hobbs
The “North Coast Limited” inaugurated in 1900, ran until Amtrak took over from May 1, 1971. We will discuss the several generations of equipment used, train consists at different times, and modeling opportunities.
Chris Lantz
A look back at 20 years of working on verious steam locomotives in the eastern United States.
Chris Lantz
Description pending
Ray Persing
Description pending
Ray Persing
, I acquired what has quickly become an indispensable tool in my modeling arsenal – a resin-based 3D printer. In order to get the most out of it, I started learning how to use a popular 3D modeling program, Autodesk’s Fusion 360. This hands-on clinic will walk you through some of the basic functionality to allow you to begin designing your own parts for use in your modeling. Attendance is limited to 10, and you must bring a laptop with Fusion 360 pre-loaded and ready to go. You will coordinate with Ray before the day to obtain needed files.
Pete Poremba
Description pending
Neal Schorr
One of the signature items of the Pennsylvania Railroad were its stone arch bridges. Neal’s layout features three different types used by the Pennsy, each of which required a different method to model them. The clinic will explain in detail how to they were constructed out of hydrocal plaster to closely resemble the prototype.
Jerry Severson
This 50-60 minutes clinic covers how the RB and B&B 1920’s circus used 10 trains to daily move 100+ railroad cars, 1,000+ people. 130+ back lot wagons, 500+ horses over 14,000 miles to 125+ cities in a season. Using pictures and actual route book data, attendees will learn why Ringling still used truss rod cars, the types of cars used, how the cars were built, how the cars were loaded and when each car had to be loaded. All done in an era of no computers and telephones. Shortened clinic presented at 2023 National Circus Historical Society Convention.
Bob Weinheimer / Fred Soward
NMRA National Directors Bob Weinheimer, MMR and Fred Soward, MMR will host a panel discussion about what is happening at the NMRA at the national level.
Michael Wolf
Mike Wolf, MMr, and John Hemsath, MMR provide a summary of their journey to MMR including the Aps they completed, lessons, learned along the way and tips (and hopefully inspiration, to help you achieve your MMR.
Michael Wolf
Digitrax sound decoders offer an attactive price point however require the modeller to have access to specific computer and hardware to install custom sound schemes. This clinic will discuss the components of a Digitrax sound project, how to modify it to match your prototype and how to install it in the decoder. A handout with step-by-step instructions and on line resources will be provided.
Michael Wolf
This clinic covers the tools and materials used in installing decoders and discusses the steps required to prepare a locomotive for reliable operations. Numerous techniques and tips are discussed for installing decoders, lighting, speakers and keep alive circuits. Clinic concludes with numerous steam and diesel examples.
Michael Wolf
This clinic discusses an innovative car routing system which doesn’t use car numbers. In addition to explaining how the system is set up and used on the clinicians layout, two variations from other layouts in the local area will be discussed. This system is used on both large and small layouts in the region and has been featured in OPSIG videos and articles.
Michael Wolf
Following a brief historical video on the early history of Westinghouse brakes, the clinic covers the components of several brake systems and provides numerous examples and supplies used in modeling them accurately on freight and passenger cars.
The North Coast Limited is presented by: